SLDI Program Enters Phase IV

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

SLDI Graduation in Nigeria, 2015

SLDI will enter its fourth phase in 2016 with awarded $8.5 million grant from Conrad N. Hilton Foundation. to implement Phase IV of the SLDI through February 2019 .

In September 2015, ASEC was awarded an $8.5 million grant from the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation to support Phase IV programming. The Hilton Foundation committed to serving 1,890 distinctive participants and 2,100 alumnae in in ten countries - Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. SLDI will begin Phase IV in January 2016. The majority of sisters will complete three workshops over three years, through September 2019. 

SLDI phase IV will run through September 2019 and include 3 components:

  • Major Superiors Training
  • Basic Technology & Web Design workshops
  • Leadership (i.e. Administration and Finance workshops).

Year 1, Basic Technology/ Web Design workshops will take place over one month and Leadership workshops over eight weeks, or two one-month sessions over 2 years.

Major Superior Training

Phase IV of SLDI will begin in January 2016 with the newly introduced Major Superior training workshops. This workshop is geared at building the capacity of Major Superiors and deepening their knowledge of ASEC; several sessions will be held between January and November 2016.

Basic Technology and Web Design Workshops

Between April and December 2016, sisters will participate in either  Basic Technology or Web Design workshop, depending upon the sisters computer skills upon entry. 

Phase IV will mark the first time Basic Technology/ Web Design will take place over one-month, expanding from three-weeks.

Leadership Workshops

Between April and December 2016, the sisters will participate in either Administration or Finance workshops. 


We are immensely grateful for our partnership with Conrad N. Hilton Foundation is transforming sisters and their ministries.

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Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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