Laptops have arrived in the Uganda office for HESA and SLDI students

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sr. Germina, ASEC Country Director in Uganda, signing the DHL delivery note to receive the laptops

The 100 laptops are a donation from ASEC Office in USA to the Ugandan sisters who will participate in the SLDI and HESA programs this year.

It was all joy at Uganda ASEC Office when the laptops finally arrived this afternoon. The ASEC Country Director Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, and the ASEC Country Coordinator Sr. Irene Lucy Onyai received 100 laptops delivered by DHL truck at ARU Secretariat in Kampala. The laptops are a donation from ASEC Office in USA to the sisters who will participate in the ASEC programs of HESA and SLDI this year. The ASEC staff in Uganda is grateful to God, donors and all those who have helped in the process of clearing these computers.

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Sr. Irene Lucy Onyai, LSMIG

Sr. Irene Lucy Onyai, LSMIG
Former ASEC Programs Coordinator - Uganda  

Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, MSMMC

Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, MSMMC
Director – Uganda  

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