20 Catholic Sisters in Malawi are realizing their dreams

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

An overjoyed sister in the SLDI administration track, Malawi, receives her new laptop during the opening ceremony of the workshop.

Access to computers has been a major challenge to most of the Malawians. Luckily for those women religious attending the SLDI Administration workshop this dream has become a reality!

Access to computers has been a major challenge to most of the Malawians and possession of one remains a dream to many, including religious sisters.

Malawi embarked on an Administration workshop through the SLDI program April 30, 2017. This was marked with a ceremony to give new laptops to the sisters in the program. Thanks to the donors and partners of ASEC, receiving a laptop is a dream that has come true for the 20 sisters in attendance.

The sisters attending the workshop participated in either basic technology or website design in 2016. For some sisters attending the workshop, this was the first time they touched a computer. Receving a computer brings a lot of joy and excitement to these sisters because they've never had the means to access a computer before attending the workshop.

When we asked one of the sisters about the experience, she replied,

“We will now put into practice what we learnt last year, because it was difficult for some of us since in our homes, workplaces there is no computer so we had nowhere to practice the skills learnt”.

Introducing basic computer studies enables sisters to acquire computer skills that will benefit their communities and the ministries they serve.

This is in line with the achievement of one of the seven national goals of education in Malawi. Namely, that education should assist the learners to develop occupational and entrepreneurship skills.

These computers also contribute to the realization of the eighth UN Sustainable Development goal that focuses on decent work and economic growth: To promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.


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Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS

Sr. Teresa Mulenga, TS
Programs Coordinator – Malawi  

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