Experience as one of the first SLDI graduates in Malawi

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Students from the ASEC SLDI program Basic Technology workshop held in Malawi, February 2016.

One of the first SLDI program graduates in Malawi discusses how the program has helped her to gain self-esteem and effectively manage her work.

The Importance of African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC) programs in Africa

As one of the first ASEC graduates I have numerous benefits emanating from the course to share with you but will highlight just a few of them.

To begin with at personal level, I have adjusted considerably in my attitude towards all issues surrounding my life while self-esteem has positively edged on; all this is due to knowledge and experience gained from the training.

Tasks are performed within allotted time to improve efficiency like teaching, Boarding Mistress duties and being a Master’s student.

I am determined and informed when executing different duties which include teaching and some related assignments while at the same time pursuing post graduate studies at Catholic University sponsored by ASEC.

In conflict management, as a Boarding Mistress, I handle effectively day-today issues concerning girls ’ welfare at school. This used to be an insurmountable challenge before but with the training I went through, it is no longer the case. I have the skills to source bursaries for students and effectively distribute them.

Just a year after becoming an ASEC graduate, workmates have equally benefited from knowledge gained from the training through interactions and coaching, among others, how to handle various cases concerning girls who are facing different challenges and general administrative issues are dealt with promptly.

Lessons learned from ASEC transcend from personal, workplace levels and fellow workers alike which points to the relevance of the program. I will continue to replicate what I learnt during ASEC at my work place.

Be a Ray of Hope

Communities across Africa are counting on Catholic Sisters, but 71% lack the education needed to carry out their important mission work. You can be a Ray of Hope for a Sister who needs you by donating to her education today.

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Sr. Paskaliagnes Chagomerana, SBVM

Sr. Paskaliagnes Chagomerana, SBVM
SLDI Alumna - Malawi  

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