HESA students in Uganda attend orientation

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sisters attending the online-onsite orientation at St. Augustine Institute Kampala, Uganda pose for a group photo holding their new laptops.

Forty-two sisters who have been accepted for online-onside HESA program participated in an orientation workshop from 14th to 17th July 2017 at St. Augustine Institute Kampala, Uganda.

Forty-two sisters who have been accepted for ASEC-HESA program participated in a two-and-a-half day orientation workshop from 14th to 17th July 2017 at St. Augustine Institute Kampala, Uganda.  It was wonderful for the sisters coming from sixteen different congregations to meet for the first time and get to know each other. They bounded so easily and became a family of ASEC-HESA.

The sisters were so excited and overwhelmed to receive the Laptops for their studies. Many were handling a laptop for the first time. The ASEC Director Uganda, Sr. Mary Germina Keneema, MSMMC, cautioned them to take good care of their laptops because people may try to steal them.

The facilitators for the workshop were Brother Bernard Luwerekera, FIC, and Brother John B. Kalama FIC, both professors at University of Kisubi. They handled the topics on effective time management, study habits and motivation. The sisters were so grateful to the ASEC Staff for organizing this workshop to empower them with these skills before reporting to their various universities for studies.

Attending the workshop were 23 sisters enrolled in the Master’s program and 19 sisters studying for Bachelor’s degrees in various fields at the University of Kisubi and Uganda Martyrs University. Six sisters enrolled to study online for a Bachelor of Arts degree with Marywood University, USA.

49 students from Uganda have been accepted into the HESA Program. Seven had attended the orientation in May and are already at St Francis Hospital Nsambya Training School studying for a diploma in Nursing and Midwifery.

Sisters discussed effective time management, study habits and motivation during the two-and-a-half day orientation.

Sisters discussed effective time management, study habits and motivation during the two-and-a-half day orientation.

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Sr. Irene Lucy Onyai, LSMIG

Sr. Irene Lucy Onyai, LSMIG
Former ASEC Programs Coordinator - Uganda  

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