2019 ASEC Annual Board Meetings take place at Marywood University

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

ASEC Advisory Board members with ASEC staff (May 1, 2019).

May 1-2, 2019: ASEC’s annual Advisory Board and Board of Directors Meetings took place at ASEC USA headquarters located on Marywood University’s campus in Scranton, Pennsylvania, USA.

Advisory Board Meeting

On Wednesday, May 1, 2019, ASEC’s Advisory Board meeting began with an opening prayer by Sr. Lina Wanjiku Ndung'u, SE, ASEC Regional Director East & Central Africa and Sr. Francisca Damoah, SIJ, ASEC Interim Regional Director West Africa. Jennifer Mudge, Assistant Director of Evaluation and Tara Lopatofsky, HESA Program Evaluator presented evaluation data on ASEC’s Sisters Leadership Development Initiative (SLDI) and Higher Education for Sisters in Africa (HESA) programs. The presentation was followed by an interactive question and answer session between ASEC Board Members and staff.

Afterwards, Sr. Jane Wakahiu, LSOSF, Ph.D., Director, Catholic Sisters Programs, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation introduced ASEC Board and staff to Angelique Mutombo, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation Senior Program Officer, Catholic Sisters Initiative (Africa). Angelique will be working closely with ASEC regarding Hilton-sponsored programs and grants. Sr. Jane also gave a comprehensive presentation about Hilton’s Catholic Sisters Initiative.

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Sr. Jane's surprise Jubilee dinner at the Hilton Downtown Scranton Hotel and Conference Center (May 1, 2019)

Sr. Jane's surprise Jubilee dinner at the Hilton Downtown Scranton Hotel and Conference Center (May 1, 2019)

Jubilee Celebration

On Wednesday evening, dinner was held at the Hilton Downtown Scranton Hotel and Conference Center to celebrate Sr. Jane Wakahiu’s Silver Jubilee (25 years in religious life). Attending the celebration were ASEC Board Members and ASEC staff, along with many friends, former colleagues and members of her congregation, Little Sisters of St. Francis (LSOSF).

ASEC Board Members with ASEC staff (May 2, 2019).

ASEC Board Members with ASEC staff (May 2, 2019).

Board of Directors Meeting

On Thursday, May 2, 2019, staff gathered at breakfast to welcome members of ASEC’s Board of Directors to Marywood University. The meeting began with an opening prayer by Board Member Sr. Kathryn Miller, SSJ, Ph.D., followed by an awards presentation led Sr. Kathryn Dougherty, OSF, Board Chair, to honor Board Members who are completing their service terms. Honorees included:

  • Sr. Marijane Hresko, OSF, MA, Risk Manager Specialist, Neumann University
  • Sr. Carol Ann Knight, SHCJ, MA, Academic Counselor, Rosemont College
  • Jane Farr, Ph.D., Retired Professor, Marywood University  (elected to rejoin Board as special term)
  • Brighid Blake, MA, SLDI Instructor, Educational Leadership Expert, Philadelphia
  • Sr. Anna Mary Henrietta Nyangoma, MCESM, Superior General, Missionary Congregation of the Evangelizing Sisters of Mary
  • Sr. Florence Nwaonuma, SSH, National President, Nigeria Conference of Women Religious (NCWR)
  • Sr. Anne Myers, SSJ, Ph.D., Congregational President, Sisters of St. Joseph of Philadelphia
Left-Right: Sr. Carol Jean Vale, SSJ, Ph.D. (former Board Chair), Honoree Brighid Blake, Honoree Jane Farr, Ph.D., Honoree Sr. Anne Myers, SSJ, Ph.D., Honoree Sr. Marijane Hresko, OSF, MA, Honoree Sr. Florence Nwaonuma, SSH, Sr. Kathryn Dougherty, OSF (Board Chair), Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, Ph.D. (ASEC Executive Director). Honorees not in attendance: Sr. Carol Ann Knight, SHCJ, MA, Sr. Anna Mary Henrietta Nyangoma, MCESM

Left-Right: Sr. Carol Jean Vale, SSJ, Ph.D. (former Board Chair), Honoree Brighid Blake, Honoree Jane Farr, Ph.D., Honoree Sr. Anne Myers, SSJ, Ph.D., Honoree Sr. Marijane Hresko, OSF, MA, Honoree Sr. Florence Nwaonuma, SSH, Sr. Kathryn Dougherty, OSF (Board Chair), Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, Ph.D. (ASEC Executive Director). Honorees not in attendance: Sr. Carol Ann Knight, SHCJ, MA, Sr. Anna Mary Henrietta Nyangoma, MCESM

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank all of our Board Member Honorees for your service and dedication to ASEC. We will miss each and every one of you.

Following the awards ceremony, Jennifer Mudge and Tara Lopatofsky gave a joint presentation to the Board of Directors, recapping ASEC’s most recent SLDI and HESA program evaluation data. Sr. Draru Mary Cecilia, LSMIG, Ph.D., ASEC Executive Director also reported to the Board on ASEC’s progress toward achieving goals set out in ASEC’s Strategic Plan.

Following the meeting, Board Members received a tour of ASEC headquarters and enjoyed lunch with ASEC staff. Board Members plan to reconnect in July, 2019 for a retreat.

A special thanks to those who traveled great distances to attend ASEC’s annual meetings: ASEC Regional Directors Sr. Lina Wanjiku Ndung'u, SE (East & Central Africa) and Sr. Francisca Damoah, SIJ (West Africa); Board Members Pius Ojara, Ph.D. (South Sudan) and Sr. Florence Nwaonuma, SSH (Nigeria).

PDF versions of the meeting presentations and ASEC’s Strategic Plan are available on the website in the Research & Publications section.

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Amy Fedele

Amy Fedele
Former ASEC Media & Communications Manager - USA  

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