Understanding accounting and recording financial transactions

African Sisters Education Collaborative (ASEC)

Sr. Veronica and Sr. Seline checking on their new laptops during the SLDI Finance I Workshop in Kenya.

How the SLDI Finance workshop has brought clear and complete understanding of accounting and recording of financial transactions for Sr. Veronica.

My names are Sr. Veronica Waruguru Mutahi from the congregation of Canossian Daughters of Charity in Kenya. I am currently a students in Business Administration at the Technical University of Kenya (TUK).

I would like to share my experience with ASEC, the African Sisters Education Collaborative. In 2015, while at a gathering of religious women in Tanzania I sat next to a sister who had a bag with ASEC-SLDI written on it. This caught my attention and I went to the website to find out what it was all about. When I learned about their mission, I felt a deep desire to be part of its beneficial offerings.

Web Design Workshop

In 2016 I was asked to help the Secretary and Bursar of my Congregation’s province while the institute looked for a school where I could take a course in administration. It was during this time that my superior asked me to join the SLDI Workhop on Web Design at Tumaini Centre in Kenya, in preparation for the Finance/Management course. My dream became a reality in less than a year! Thanks be to God!

I participated in this web design workshop actively and at the end I had managed to design a website for our college ( I left Tumaini with a commitment to pray for the special intention that nothing would hinder my attendance at the Finance Course in 2017. By then, I had then almost finished the procedure for enrolling in ESAMI (East and South Africa Management Institute) in Tanzania for Administration course. However due to prevailing needs I could not enroll and that is how I wound up enrolling at TUK. This was according to God’s designs because by being near Tumaini I have evening studies where I can embrace both trainings simultaneously!

Finance Workshop

While taking the Business Administration course at TUK, we have units on Accounting. It has been very hard trying to comprehend the concepts in this unit. In college the training is done in lecture theatres; I have tried tutorials on YouTube, tried to trace teachers I knew who taught bookkeeping, and spent hours in the library without comprehension. However, it is with deep gratitude that I testify how the ASEC course on finance, in particular on the topics of accounting and recording of financial transactions. has at last brought me clear and complete understanding the principles of Accounting. At last I can now comprehend what I was doing in a form of copy and paste. I did not know why I treated the figures the way I did; it was like guess work. Now I know through this training and I look forward to learn even more for the remaining days as the training continues next year (2018).

With the contentment that envelopes my heart, there is nothing else that I can say apart from expressing my heartfelt thanks to ASEC, the Hilton Foundation, other donors and to my congregation for the opportunity to attend this course. Thank you too for equipping me with a laptop to ease my work and for the book on leadership (Blessings for Leaders). May God bless each one of you abundantly.

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Sr. Mary Wangui Mutahi
HESA Participant - Kenya  

Sr. Loretta Mulry, IHM

Sr. Loretta Mulry, IHM
Volunteer Editor - USA  

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